
Video Modeling Library

Original price was: $109.00.Current price is: $89.00.


Increasing independent functioning is vital to enhancing the quality of life for individuals with Autism and other Special Needs. Teaching life skills - daily living skills and other adaptive skills - can allow individuals with special needs to achieve higher levels of independence.

Special Learning's Video Modeling Library has been designed to be a resource for parents, educators, ABA practitioners, and other professionals who help individuals with special needs learn new skills. In addition to 70 individual videos to prompt and/or model target skills, it contains a 2-hour training on Video Modeling and Video Prompting as a Treatment Intervention, and an eBook: ABA Overview: Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis.

The library includes an extensive list of videos that can be used to help develop a broad array of skills in four main categories: Daily Living/Adaptive Skills, Household Chores, Cooking, and Personal Care and Hygiene. These skills-based videos target specific skills. Each video incorporates a task analysis, whereby each target skill is broken down into discrete steps, and pauses are placed in between each step so that they can be used to prompt the learner.

Library includes: 

  • Video Modeling and Video Prompting as a Treatment Intervention
  • ABA Overview: Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis
  • Daily Living / Adaptive Skills (21 Videos)
  • Daily Living: Household Chores (16 Videos)
  • Daily Living: Cooking (17 Videos)
  • Daily Living: Personal Care and Hygiene (18 Videos)


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