Based upon literature review and successful practice in the real world we will look at the possible functions behind common problem behaviors such as off-task, out of the seat, interrupting, and difficult transitions as well as quick and easy strategies one can implement to change behavior. Incorporating basic ABA procedures, analyzing the environment for possible modifications, teaching replacement behaviors, and incorporating visual strategies are just some of the options we will consider.
Upon completion of Strategies to Increase Beginner Classroom Participation Skills: Where to Start, participants will:
1. Name key components of comprehensive assessment around 7 common problem classroom behaviors
2. Create a variety of both individual and class-wide reinforcement programs
3. Identify visual strategies to increase/teach appropriate classroom behavior
Downloadable Tools:
- Observation of School Behavior Data Collection (Editable) (264 downloads )
- Quick ABA Tips for Paraprofessionals (828 downloads )
- Antecedent Behavior Consequence Chart (Editable) (56 downloads )
- Modified Antecedent Behavior Consequence (ABC Chart) (57 downloads )