The role of an IEP team is to ensure that students with special needs are provided with access to quality services they need to achieve the best student outcomes. While the objectives are typically clearly defined, success hinges on how well the IEP team members are able and willing to collaborate to achieve desired outcomes. Unfortunately, many IEP meetings end up being contentious and unproductive — not because team member disagrees with desired outcomes, but because the group was not taught how to successfully collaborate as a team.
Downloadable Tools:
- ASHA Code of Ethics (695 downloads )
- BACB Professional and Ethical Compliance Code (298 downloads )
- APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct (2017) (142 downloads )
- Council for Exceptional Children Code of Ethics (903 downloads )
- IDEA Parent Guide (78 downloads )
- Download Transcription (100 downloads )